
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

ADHD Conner Screening Flow Sheet: Program Management

The Conners Rating Scale can be a helpful diagnostic tool for children displaying ADD/ADHD symptoms. The Conners Rating Scale comes in a few different forms; I prefer using the long form. It only takes a few more minutes more to complete but provides a wealth of information. Comparing the teacher rating form and the parent rating form can really help identify the students' strengths and areas that can use further support.

I developed the following form so I can see the status of the Conners that I have given out. The form may seem really simple but it definitely makes my "essentials" list.

*It is important to note (hence the bold and underline feature used above), that the Conners is only a diagnostic tool. I do categorize the Conners as an intervention when I am completing my Response to Intervention (RTI) documentation, but the form should be used as a starting point in the clinical/counseling setting.*

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